Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random Update

Okay, so I haven't had much time to update and for some reason my upload photos isn't working so that is annoying b/c I have super cute pics I want to put on here.  Anyway, things are trucking along.  We are on somewhat of a schedule now and although Kara isn't sleeping thru the night life is much more manageable now that she only has 1 night time bottle around 1-2am.  Work is work and it some ways its nice to be back and in other ways it mega sucks.  Kelly belly is as cute as ever and still walking around on her tippy-toes which is super cute!  Kaylie is so helpful and I swear without her I would just die!  God obviously knew what he was doing with the age gap and and then blessing us with a 3rd baby girl so quickly after Kelly.  Anyhooo - as soon as I get a chance from home I will post updated photos!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Back to Work

So today is my first day back at work...I actually have a quick minute to update this blog.  Updating it while on maternity leave was almost impossible!  I need to get some pictures on here of Kara-beara too!  Of course today was hard because leaving my babies is never fun but unfortunately we are a two income household.  :(  Kaylie spent the night with Blake so she was super happy b/c she didn't have to go to the rec center and she got to sleep in another day.  I am over tired b/c Kara is of course still feeding in the middle of the night.  I can't wait till we can cut that out!  Anyway, all is well with us just trying to get back into a routine and normal schedule.  I hope my babies are doing good today...I haven't stopped thinking about both of them all day.  I will post new pics ASAP!