Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So What Wednesday!

So what if.....
  • I make frozen meatballs in the crockpot for dinner once a week.  Bryan laughs his a$$ off at me because he says "I'm cooking the hell out of those pre-cooked balls"- All I have to do is make pasta and wa-la we have a spaghetti & meatball dinner.
  • I have been letting Kaylie do her own hair in the morning b/c it saves me time.  I have to say she is getting better at it, but some days - WOW I really shouldn't let her out of the house.
  • I am turning into the angry pregnant girl as I get closer to my due date.  Seriously, I think I almost bite someones head off at work at least 2-3 times a day!! 
  • I've now put my foot down with Bryan about his annoying non-stop outdoor projects.  It's great I have a "handy-do-it-yourself" man but good LORD Bryan bring your butt inside and help me.
  • Me wearing flip-flops to work has become an almost daily thing now.  I swear when I'm not pregnant I won't ever do it again!
  • My friend Tina wants me to do the "Pre-Labor Day Pregnant Bikini Contest"!  Is she crazy or what???
Go check out my fav bloggers page...she is seriously the best.  I read her stuff everyday!

Also - what am I wearing Wed.???

See my flip-flops!!  And I promise this dress wasn't wrinkled like this when I left this morning!!

Happy Hump-Day!


  1. your flipflops are adorable! and they are a must when prego in the summer. for sure!
    and heck yes on crockpot cooking. it's so easy!

  2. This is Tina and you should do the Pregnant Bikini Contest! I bet you'd WIN!
